Some of the services offered in GIS are as follows:
GIS services:
1. Georeferencing services
2. Geo-rectification / Georectification services
3. Geo-coding services
4. Image georectification services
5. spatial analysis services
6. GIS mapping services
Photogrammetry services:
1. Aerial remote sensing
2. Aerial Triangulation requirements
3. photogrammetry application in gis
4. Orthophotography services
5. Aerial Triangulation in photogrammetry, Aerial Triangulation service
6. Orthophoto rectification service
7.LiDAR services
CAD services:
1. CAD drafting services
2. gis cad services
3. CAD to GIS services
4. CAD parcel mapping
5. CAD cadastral mapping services
6. Mechanical, Civil, Engineering services
GIS Application development:
1. GIS web Applications development
2.GIS Application customization
3. GIS software development
4. mobile mapping applications